Thanx for working so hard on this dkubb, this should solve 80-90% of
the times I need fancy queries.

On Oct 30, 2:38 pm, "Dan Kubb (dkubb)" <> wrote:
> Thanatos,
> > Oh, then yeah, this seems like a perfect way to help that out! Ignore
> > my DSL suggestions.
> In the past there's been alot of discussion about alternate API
> interfaces for queries.  The problem with most of the suggestions is
> that they typically address only one part of what the API would need.
> For something to be a true improvement, it would need to support AND,
> OR and NOT operations, with and without nesting.
> I think monkey patching Hash and other ruby-core primitives is
> something we should remove from consideration.  It's messy, not
> "polite" ruby, and probably not the optimal API anyway.
> I would hate to see stuff like this associated with DataMapper:
>   ({ :name => 'Dan Kubb' } | { :name => 'Thanatos' }) & { :active =>
> true }
> Our focus has always been on providing a nice, clean consistent API,
> and I think code like the above is not representative of what we are
> trying to do.
> Plus Imagine how it'd look with deeper nesting, and negation isn't
> handled elegantly (how would you negate a whole condition branch for
> example?).  Ted's Sugar Glider API should address all of these
> concerns and more, without having to resort to writing "line noise"
> for our queries :)
> --
> Dan
> (dkubb)
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