
I have a method in my base class called "now" which effectively calls call DateTime->now(time_zone => 'local'). In most cases, it works as expected. However, in one subclass it errors out. I can't seem to reduce the problem to a simple test case, but have identified that the problem occurs in DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix:

            ( { wanted =>
                    if ( ! defined $real_name
                         && -f $_
                         && ! -l $_
                         && $size == -s _
                         # This fixes RT 24026 - apparently such a
                         # file exists on FreeBSD and it can cause a
                         # false positive
&& File::Basename::basename($_) ne 'posixrules' && File::Compare::compare( $_, $file_to_match ) == 0
                        $real_name = $_;

# File::Find has no mechanism for bailing in the
                        # middle of a find.
                        die { found => 1 };
                no_chdir => 1,

    if ($@)
        return $real_name if ref $@ && $...@->{found};
        die $@;

The "die { found => 1 };" instruction sets $@ tp "HASH(0xac2a148) at / usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/DateTime/TimeZone/Local/Unix.pm line 115" and hence there is never a $...@->{found}.

Why it works for some calls and not this particular instance, I'll never know. After bashing my head trying to solve the problem for a couple of days, I have a simple workaround which is undoubtedly more efficient anyway, but which doesn't solve the underlying problem:

    our $TZ = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' );
    sub now {
        my $self = shift;
        return DateTime->now(time_zone => $TZ);

Happy to log a bug, but I can't provide a minimal test case

Regards Dan

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