2009/11/10 Dave Rolsky <auta...@urth.org>

> Why it works for some calls and not this particular instance, I'll never
> know. After bashing my head trying to solve the problem for a couple of
> days, I have a simple workaround which is undoubtedly more efficient anyway,
> but which doesn't solve the underlying problem:
>>  our $TZ = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' );
>>  sub now {
>>      my $self = shift;
>>      return DateTime->now(time_zone => $TZ);
>>  }
> This is a really good idea _anyway_. Calculating the local time zone is
> slow, and it's really unlikely to change over the lifetime of your app.
> Calculate it once and cache it.

And you can't imagine how slow it could be!
In DateTime::TimeZone::Local::hpux I have, as a last chance fallback, a call
to the Java Virtual Machine to use its timezone detection (when $TZ is not
set or has an unknown value).


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