On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Michael G Schwern <schw...@pobox.com> wrote:
> I am, quite frankly, appalled at the response I've gotten to this report.
> No, this is not something the user should be guarding against.  No,
> documenting it does not make it go away.  No, you shouldn't put an arbitrary
> upper bound in.  No, I should not have been using UTC.  That is all
> accepting low-quality.  We don't do that in Perl.
> This isn't just an annoyance, its a wide spread security hole triggered by
> totally innocent use.  Its like finding out my doorbell will cause my house
> to explode if somebody buzzes too long.  I do not want to program in an
> environment where the assumption is that everything is dangerous.  This
> isn't even a problem one should imagine encountering.
> The reaction I was expecting was more along the lines of "oh fuck, that's
> really bad, let's figure out how to fix this".  Yes, its ok to report a
> problem without a ready solution.  Instead, I'm told its documented and to
> cough up a patch.
> This is not a simple problem to solve.  I'm not even sure what the efficient
> DST algorithm is, though I'm looking for it.  I've looked into the
> DateTime::TimeZone code before and this is not going to be a simple patch.
> I'm willing to try and fix it, but not if the DateTime folks, the folks who
> know the code, are reacting with something between lethargy and hostility.
>  It going to be hard enough without dragging everyone along.
> Give me something to work with here.  Some insight into what and why
> DateTime is doing what its doing.  Is there a reason that DST info has to be
> generated linearly?  Would it be difficult to hold off on generating time
> zone info until its needed?  Are there instructions somewhere for dealing
> with the Olsen database?  SOME sort of discussion about how to solve the
> problem rather than the ways to paper over it.

I don't want to be insensitive, but I think this response is a touch

First, Perl has plenty of dangerous behaviors.  CGI's param(...)
returning a list can cause a lot of problems and exploits if a user
isn't careful and sanitize their input properly.  To claim that "Perl
doesn't do that" doesn't make it true.  Programming is hard.

Second, I think you grossly misconstrued the responses to this.  I
think everybody suggesting things in the thread did it with the
mentality of an intermediate fix rather than a long term one.  Very
few people are comfortable with the internals of DateTime to offer up
proper solutions.

Third, you aren't going to get an "oh fuck" reaction out of a problem
that is documented any more than you would expect Congress recalling
all vehicles because if you hold the accelerator down you could crash
into a brickwall.  Analogies suck, lets not use them.  The point is
that raising a known issue and expecting something different than,
"Yes, we know about it what are other ways to handle it" seems a
little on the unreasonable size.

On a constructive note, DateTime::TimeZone has Olsen timezone
information.  I had no idea that it didn't suffer the same problem
(like I said, I don't have a clue about the Internals, and I just
extrapolated that to "Very few people"... busted).  I think that at
the very least an *intermediate* fix would be to update the pod
warning to be more prominent and a mention that Olsen tz files do not
suffer the same consequences.


PS., Schwern, you're the man.  If you can't do it, who can!?  I still
have your tea, btw (probably long stale now).  If you can get this
fixed, I'll throw in a pitcher of beer with it.

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