Dave Rolsky wrote:
>I don't think you need auto-downloads. People download a new DT::TZ when 
>I release one, or they don't. No one's complained about that.

It'll only rarely bite people.  That doesn't make it OK.  But that's an
orthogonal discussion that I don't want to stray into here.

>The real question for me is whether the generated binary data will be  
>cross-platform compatible. Are there any 32/64 bit issues? Endianness?

The tzfile format is fully defined: the same binaries apply on any
platform.   See the DT:TZ:Tzfile code.  (You'll see that it uses both
32-bit and 64-bit integer fields, all big-endian.)  There's potential
difficulty in using extremely far future dates on a 32-bit Perl, but
that's inherent to the way DateTime uses RD.  No Y2038 problem.

>As long as they are cross-platform and the files can be distributed via  
>CPAN, I think switching to this approach would be fine.

OK, I'll work on it.


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