> From: Philipp K. Janert [mailto:jan...@ieee.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, 2 May 2012 8:29 AM
> Question:
> When using DateTime for a large number of
> instances, it becomes a serious performance
> drag.
> Is this expected behavior? And are there access
> patterns that I can use to mitigate this effect?
> (I tried to supply a time_zone explicitly, but that
> does not seem to improve things significantly.)

Hi Phillip,

My #1 tip is to pre-prepare/cache the DateTime::TimeZone object and pass it in 
to each creation of a DateTime object (via whatever mechanism you're using to 
do that). I have seen a case where we were using time_zone => 'local' in a 
reasonably tight datetime object creation loop and saw significant speed 
increases just by cutting out that chunk of processing.

In hindsight that was a silly thing to do but it became an easy win :-)

I apologise if this is what you meant by supplying a time_zone explicitly in 
your comment above.

I can't recommend using a tool like NYTProf highly enough on a run of your tool 
to spot the low hanging fruit. See https://metacpan.org/module/Devel::NYTProf



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