I love and use DateTime for for 10s of millions of records at once I
would be choosing Date::Calc instead and dealing with any necessary
futzy bits manually.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 2:53 AM, Rick Measham <r...@measham.id.au> wrote:
> In the spirit of TIMTOWTDI, there's my DateTime::LazyInit module which I 
> wrote for this sort of case. It only inflates to a full DateTime object when 
> you call methods that aren't "simple".
> http://search.cpan.org/~rickm/DateTime-LazyInit-1.0200/lib/DateTime/LazyInit.pm
> Caveat: I haven't tested it against any recent DateTime releases.
> Cheers!
> Rick Measham
> 📱
> On 02/05/2012, at 8:29, "Philipp K. Janert" <jan...@ieee.org> wrote:
>> Question:
>> When using DateTime for a large number of
>> instances, it becomes a serious performance
>> drag.
>> A typical application for me involves things like
>> log files: I use DateTime to translate the timestamps
>> in these files into a canonical format, and then get
>> information such as "day-of-week" or "time-of-day"
>> from DateTime.
>> However, when working through a files with a few
>> tens of millions of records, DateTime turns into a
>> REAL drag on performance.
>> Is this expected behavior? And are there access
>> patterns that I can use to mitigate this effect?
>> (I tried to supply a time_zone explicitly, but that
>> does not seem to improve things significantly.)
>> Best,
>>        Ph.
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