On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 16:39:26, Mark A. Greer wrote:

> > On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 12:58:12, Ambrose, Martin wrote:
> > 
> >
> > I did some further digging. Note that my problem persists 
> with the v4 patches -- no surprise here I think since there 
> were no functional changes. But I can reply on that thread if 
> you like.
> > I'm not sure how to proceed and any debugging tips are appreciated.
> Hmm, strange one.  I don't know why you're having so many problems and
> my system is rock solid.
> What version of the hardware are you using?

I've tried on both Rev B and Rev C of the DSK board with same results. Results 
below with Rev B.

> What version of u-boot are you using?

I tried two versions but primarily using 1.3.3 dated 090305 -- this is the 
latest AFAIK from Sekhar.

> Where are you downloading the uImage?

TFTP from VMWare server running FC10.

> When booting the same uImage multiple times, does it fail at *exactly*
>   the same place or at different places?

Same place every time.

> Are you building your kernel with da830_omapl137_defconfig as your
>   .config file (unaltered)?


> Please send a copy of the entire console log while you boot (including
> u-boot messages).  While capturing the log, please issue the 
> 'printenv'
> u-boot cmd to see what you have your u-boot env variables set to.

U-Boot 1.3.3 (Mar 19 2009 - 13:50:57)

I2C:   ready
DRAM:  56 MB
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
ARM Clock : 300000000 Hz
More than one PHY detected.
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
U-Boot > printenv
bootargs=mem=32M console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mtdblock/2 rw noinitrd ip=dhcp
mjaboot=run mjasetup; tftp 0xC0000000 uImage.da8xx.a0324304; bootm
mjasetup=setenv ipaddr; setenv serverip; setenv 
bootargs debug mem=32M console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs 
nfsroot=,nolock ip=${ipaddr}:${serveripf
debug=md c0393538 100
ver=U-Boot 1.3.3 (Mar 19 2009 - 13:50:57)

Environment size: 585/4092 bytes
U-Boot > run mjaboot
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'uImage.da8xx.a0324304'.
Load address: 0xc0000000
Loading: #################################################################
Bytes transferred = 1512257 (171341 hex)
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at c0000000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux-2.6.30-rc2-davinci1-05906-
   Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
   Data Size:    1512193 Bytes =  1.4 MB
   Load Address: c0008000
   Entry Point:  c0008000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Loading Kernel Image ... OK

Starting kernel ...

 done, booting the kernel.


U-Boot > md c02f1a38 200
c02f1a38: 4c3e353c 78756e69 72657620 6e6f6973    <5>Linux version
c02f1a48: 362e3220 2d30332e 2d326372 69766164     2.6.30-rc2-davi
c02f1a58: 3169636e 3935302d 672d3630 30346465    nci1-05906-ged40
c02f1a68: 2d616630 74726964 61282079 34323330    0fa-dirty (a0324
c02f1a78: 40343033 61636f6c 736f686c 6f6c2e74    3...@localhost.lo
c02f1a88: 646c6163 69616d6f 2820296e 20636367    caldomain) (gcc
c02f1a98: 73726576 206e6f69 2e322e34 43282031    version 4.2.1 (C
c02f1aa8: 5365646f 6372756f 20797265 72756f53    odeSourcery Sour
c02f1ab8: 79726563 2b2b4720 74694c20 30322065    cery G++ Lite 20
c02f1ac8: 33713730 2931352d 35232029 52502032    07q3-51)) #52 PR
c02f1ad8: 504d4545 75542054 70412065 38322072    EEMPT Tue Apr 28
c02f1ae8: 3a343120 353a3931 44452036 30322054     14:19:56 EDT 20
c02f1af8: 3c0a3930 50433e34 41203a55 32394d52    09.<4>CPU: ARM92
c02f1b08: 2d4a4536 345b2053 39363031 5d353632    6EJ-S [41069265]
c02f1b18: 76657220 6f697369 2035206e 4d524128     revision 5 (ARM
c02f1b28: 45543576 202c294a 303d7263 33353030    v5TEJ), cr=00053
c02f1b38: 0a373731 433e343c 203a5550 54564956    177.<4>CPU: VIVT
c02f1b48: 74616420 61632061 2c656863 56495620     data cache, VIV
c02f1b58: 6e692054 75727473 6f697463 6163206e    T instruction ca
c02f1b68: 0a656863 4d3e343c 69686361 203a656e    che.<4>Machine:
c02f1b78: 69566144 2069636e 33384144 4d4f2f30    DaVinci DA830/OM
c02f1b88: 4c205041 20373331 0a4d5645 4d3e343c    AP L137 EVM.<4>M
c02f1b98: 726f6d65 6f702079 7963696c 4345203a    emory policy: EC
c02f1ba8: 69642043 6c626173 202c6465 61746144    C disabled, Data
c02f1bb8: 63616320 77206568 65746972 6f726874     cache writethro
c02f1bc8: 0a686775 4f3e373c 6f6e206e 30206564    ugh.<7>On node 0
c02f1bd8: 746f7420 61706c61 3a736567 39313820     totalpages: 819
c02f1be8: 373c0a32 6572663e 72615f65 695f6165    2.<7>free_area_i
c02f1bf8: 5f74696e 65646f6e 6f6e203a 30206564    nit_node: node 0
c02f1c08: 6770202c 20746164 66323063 63623130    , pgdat c02f01bc
c02f1c18: 6f6e202c 6d5f6564 6d5f6d65 63207061    , node_mem_map c
c02f1c28: 64313330 0a303030 203e373c 414d4420    031d000.<7>  DMA
c02f1c38: 6e6f7a20 36203a65 61702034 20736567     zone: 64 pages
c02f1c48: 64657375 726f6620 6d656d20 0a70616d    used for memmap.
c02f1c58: 203e373c 414d4420 6e6f7a20 30203a65    <7>  DMA zone: 0
c02f1c68: 67617020 72207365 72657365 0a646576     pages reserved.
c02f1c78: 203e373c 414d4420 6e6f7a20 38203a65    <7>  DMA zone: 8
c02f1c88: 20383231 65676170 4c202c73 204f4649    128 pages, LIFO
c02f1c98: 63746162 0a303a68 443e363c 6e695661    batch:0.<6>DaVin
c02f1ca8: 64206963 30333861 616d6f2f 316c2070    ci da830/omap l1
c02f1cb8: 76203733 61697261 3020746e 3c0a3078    37 variant 0x0.<
c02f1cc8: 75423e34 20746c69 6f7a2031 696c656e    4>Built 1 zoneli
c02f1cd8: 20737473 5a206e69 20656e6f 6564726f    sts in Zone orde
c02f1ce8: 6d202c72 6c69626f 20797469 756f7267    r, mobility grou
c02f1cf8: 676e6970 2e6e6f20 6f542020 206c6174    ping on.  Total
c02f1d08: 65676170 38203a73 0a383231 4b3e353c    pages: 8128.<5>K
c02f1d18: 656e7265 6f63206c 6e616d6d 696c2064    ernel command li
c02f1d28: 203a656e 75626564 656d2067 32333d6d    ne: debug mem=32
c02f1d38: 6f63204d 6c6f736e 74743d65 2c325379    M console=ttyS2,
c02f1d48: 32353131 386e3030 6f6f7220 642f3d74    115200n8 root=/d
c02f1d58: 6e2f7665 6e207366 6f727366 313d746f    ev/nfs nfsroot=1
c02f1d68: 312e3239 392e3836 3a312e32 6d6f682f
c02f1d78: 30612f65 33343233 642f3430 73663861    e/a0324304/da8fs
c02f1d88: 6c6f6e2c 206b636f 313d7069 312e3239    ,nolock ip=192.1
c02f1d98: 392e3836 3a322e32 2e323931 2e383631    68.92.2:192.168.
c02f1da8: 312e3239 3239313a 3836312e 2e32392e    92.1:192.168.92.
c02f1db8: 35323a31 35322e35 35322e35 3a302e35    1:
c02f1dc8: 78386164 3a61705f 30687465 66666f3a    da8x_pa:eth0:off
c02f1dd8: 3e363c0a 495f524e 3a535152 0a343232    .<6>NR_IRQS:224.
c02f1de8: 503e343c 68204449 20687361 6c626174    <4>PID hash tabl
c02f1df8: 6e652065 65697274 31203a73 28203832    e entries: 128 (
c02f1e08: 6564726f 37203a72 3135202c 79622032    order: 7, 512 by
c02f1e18: 29736574 3e343c0a 736e6f43 3a656c6f    tes).<4>Console:
c02f1e28: 6c6f6320 2072756f 6d6d7564 65642079     colour dummy de
c02f1e38: 65636976 78303820 3c0a3033 65443e36    vice 80x30.<6>De
c02f1e48: 7972746e 63616320 68206568 20687361    ntry cache hash
c02f1e58: 6c626174 6e652065 65697274 34203a73    table entries: 4
c02f1e68: 20363930 64726f28 203a7265 31202c32    096 (order: 2, 1
c02f1e78: 34383336 74796220 0a297365 493e363c    6384 bytes).<6>I
c02f1e88: 65646f6e 6361632d 68206568 20687361    node-cache hash
c02f1e98: 6c626174 6e652065 65697274 32203a73    table entries: 2
c02f1ea8: 20383430 64726f28 203a7265 38202c31    048 (order: 1, 8
c02f1eb8: 20323931 65747962 3c0a2973 654d3e36    192 bytes).<6>Me
c02f1ec8: 79726f6d 3233203a 3d20424d 4d323320    mory: 32MB = 32M
c02f1ed8: 6f742042 0a6c6174 4d3e353c 726f6d65    B total.<5>Memor
c02f1ee8: 32203a79 32393239 6120424b 6c696176    y: 29292KB avail
c02f1ef8: 656c6261 36322820 204b3235 65646f63    able (2652K code
c02f1f08: 3832202c 64204b35 2c617461 30323120    , 285K data, 120
c02f1f18: 6e69204b 202c7469 68204b30 6d686769    K init, 0K highm
c02f1f28: 0a296d65 533e363c 3a42554c 6e654720    em).<6>SLUB: Gen
c02f1f38: 62616c73 33313d73 5748202c 67696c61    slabs=13, HWalig
c02f1f48: 32333d6e 724f202c 3d726564 2c332d30    n=32, Order=0-3,
c02f1f58: 6e694d20 656a624f 3d737463 43202c30     MinObjects=0, C
c02f1f68: 3d735550 4e202c31 7365646f 3c0a313d    PUs=1, Nodes=1.<
c02f1f78: 61433e36 7262696c 6e697461 65642067    6>Calibrating de
c02f1f88: 2079616c 706f6f6c 202e2e2e 2e393431    lay loop... 149.
c02f1f98: 42203035 4d6f676f 20535049 6a706c28    50 BogoMIPS (lpj
c02f1fa8: 3734373d 29303235 3e343c0a 6e756f4d    =747520).<4>Moun
c02f1fb8: 61632d74 20656863 68736168 62617420    t-cache hash tab
c02f1fc8: 6520656c 6972746e 203a7365 0a323135    le entries: 512.
c02f1fd8: 433e363c 203a5550 74736554 20676e69    <6>CPU: Testing
c02f1fe8: 74697277 75622065 72656666 686f6320    write buffer coh
c02f1ff8: 6e657265 203a7963 3c0a6b6f 656e3e36    erency: ok.<6>ne
c02f2008: 616e5f74 7073656d 3a656361 38323920    t_namespace: 928
c02f2018: 74796220 3c0a7365 454e3e36 52203a54     bytes.<6>NET: R
c02f2028: 73696765 65726574 72702064 636f746f    egistered protoc
c02f2038: 66206c6f 6c696d61 36312079 3e363c0a    ol family 16.<6>
c02f2048: 69566144 3a69636e 38323120 69706720    DaVinci: 128 gpi
c02f2058: 7269206f 3c0a7371 69623e34 63203a6f    o irqs.<4>bio: c
c02f2068: 74616572 6c732065 3c206261 2d6f6962    reate slab <bio-
c02f2078: 61203e30 0a302074 4e3e363c 203a5445    0> at 0.<6>NET:
c02f2088: 69676552 72657473 70206465 6f746f72    Registered proto
c02f2098: 206c6f63 696d6166 3220796c 3e313c0a    col family 2.<1>
c02f20a8: 62616e55 7420656c 6168206f 656c646e    Unable to handle
c02f20b8: 72656b20 206c656e 69676170 7220676e     kernel paging r
c02f20c8: 65757165 61207473 69762074 61757472    equest at virtua
c02f20d8: 6461206c 73657264 34332073 30373637    l address 347670
c02f20e8: 3c0a3836 67703e31 203d2064 30303063    68.<1>pgd = c000
c02f20f8: 30303034 3e313c0a 3734335b 36303736    4000.<1>[3476706
c02f2108: 2a205d38 3d646770 30303030 30303030    8] *pgd=00000000
c02f2118: 3e343c0a 65746e49 6c616e72 72726520    .<4>Internal err
c02f2128: 203a726f 73706f4f 2030203a 5d31235b    or: Oops: 0 [#1]
c02f2138: 45525020 54504d45 3e343c0a 75646f4d     PREEMPT.<4>Modu
c02f2148: 2073656c 6b6e696c 69206465 3c0a3a6e    les linked in:.<
c02f2158: 50433e34 30203a55 20202020 20746f4e    4>CPU: 0    Not
c02f2168: 6e696174 20646574 2e322820 30332e36    tainted  (2.6.30
c02f2178: 3263722d 7661642d 69636e69 35302d31    -rc2-davinci1-05
c02f2188: 2d363039 34646567 61663030 7269642d    906-ged400fa-dir
c02f2198: 23207974 0a293235 503e343c 73692043    ty #52).<4>PC is
c02f21a8: 20746120 34337830 30373637 3c0a3836     at 0x34767068.<
c02f21b8: 524c3e34 20736920 72207461 73696765    4>LR is at regis
c02f21c8: 5f726574 6474656e 63697665 6f6e5f65    ter_netdevice_no
c02f21d8: 69666974 302b7265 2f633478 39317830    tifier+0x4c/0x19
c02f21e8: 343c0a30 2063703e 3c5b203a 36373433    0.<4>pc : [<3476
c02f21f8: 38363037 20205d3e 726c2020 5b203a20    7068>]    lr : [
c02f2208: 3130633c 30353561 205d3e30 70202020    <c01a5500>]    p
c02f2218: 203a7273 30303032 33313030 3e343c0a    sr: 20000013.<4>
c02f2228: 3a207073 63316320 35666431 69202030    sp : c1c1df50  i
U-Boot >

Thanks for your help,
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