On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 09:52:52PM +0200, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 13:51:26 -0400, John Scoles <sco...@pythian.com>
> wrote:
> Summary:
>  ☑  unicode     => Unicode
>  ☐  DBDs        <= DBD's
>  ☐  DSNs        <= DSN's
>  ☑  unlikey     => unlikely
>  ☑  abreviated  => abbreviated
>  ☐  NULLs       <= NULL's

Yes to all (assuming the arrow direction indicates the intended change).

> Things I also noted:
>     # 'thru' => (Thur thrum Thu thou)
>  isn't it "through" in English?

My Mac OS X dictionary says:

    preposition, adverb, & adjective
    informal spelling of through 

I like it.

[In case anyone's using OS X and doesn't know about this: try tapping
the d key while holding down the control and command keys.
Keep the control and command keys help down afterwards.
Then, as you move the cursor about you'll see a little dictionary window
appear over any words you hover over. Very handy. Works in almost all OS
X applications including Terminal and Safari.]

>     # 'piggback' => (piggyback piggybacks piggyback's piggybacked)
>  piggyback?


>     # 'scaleable' => (scale able scale-able scalable saleable salable 
> callable)

I prefer scaleable over scalable, but not by much.

> I fixed "a subtile difference" to "a subtle difference". Unless sub-tile
> has some weird meaning, that looked soooo weird.

subtle is right.

> I have no idea how to change "ommiting" in:
>   'You can put every SQL-statement you like in simply ommiting
>    "sql => ...", but the more important thing is to restrict the
>    connection so that only allowed queries are possible.'

I don't know what that's saying either.

> WTF does 'Pern' mean in:
>   But you'll note that there is only one call to
>   DBD::_::db::selectrow_arrayref but another 99 to
>   DBD::mysql::db::selectrow_arrayref. Currently the first
>   call Pern't record the true location. That may change.

s/Pern't/doesn't/ - I think.

> lib/DBD/Multiplex has different/wrong line endings :(

Currently DBD::Multiplex isn't part of the distribution.
Feel free to hack.

> I have committed fixes to all the obvious errors.



p.s. Parts of the DBI docs that are unchanged since version 1.14 were
copy-edited by O'Reilly for the DBI book.

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