H.Merijn Brand wrote:
On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 13:51:26 -0400, John Scoles <sco...@pythian.com>

H.Merijn Brand wrote:
For my own projects (which includes two DBD's), I have been working on
spell-check issues. I'm not born in an English-speaking country, nor
was I raised in one, so I make errors. Probably quite a few.

spell-checkers help a lot, but most work on en_US, not en_EN, and I try
to at least be consistent inside a project.

When I was done with my own projects, I threw my newly built utility at
the perl source tree itself, and found a few mistakes as well. Then I
implemented Text::Aspell into it and fixed all that it found that was
obviously wrong. It supports reading local aspell lists of words that
are considered to be correct for the given project.

DBI documentation is written in en_EN instead of en_US, so the
spell-checker will see "behaviour" as wrong and suggests "behavior".
So it spells it correctly good thing.

No keep the correct Canadian spelling :) 'iour'
Huh? "it"? So you want to move everything to en_US?
I'm really trying to be serious here (and learn).
Consistency is VERY high in my goals, so IMHO we
should stick to en_EN for DBI.

That was my trigger to implement project specific language support.

Before I try to get deeper into DBI docs and its spelling, would it be
considered good-work?

As an example to start (this part DOES contain real errors, like
abreviate (one b) and unlikey (instead of unlikely)):


 ☑  unicode     => Unicode
 ☐  DBDs        <= DBD's
 ☐  DSNs        <= DSN's
 ☑  unlikey     => unlikely
 ☑  abreviated  => abbreviated
 ☐  NULLs       <= NULL's

are the correct ones. the 's are for possessive nouns such as " Merijn's bicycle has a flat tire"
@@ -2303,7 +2303,7 @@ use by the DBI. Extensions and related modules use the 
 namespace (see L<http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/DBIx/>).
 Package names beginning with C<DBD::> are reserved for use
 by DBI database drivers.  All environment variables used by the DBI
-or by individual DBDs begin with "C<DBI_>" or "C<DBD_>".
+or by individual DBD's begin with "C<DBI_>" or "C<DBD_>".
the first one is correct. As you are referring to many DBDs not something that belongs to a DBD

Seems like your spell checker cannot tell or (does not know) the correct use of "s" in its plural, possessive, and plural possessive.

My spell checker is a perl script using Text::Aspell and doesn't know
any context at all.

Most likely just taking a guess based on wheather of not the first letter is capitalized.
Welcome to the wonderful world of English.

have a go at this


We could play this game for a long time as we here in Canada have some of our own funny ways to spell things??

Thanks for the insightful remarks.

Things I also noted:

    # 'deferrability' => (desirability durability divisibility)
The correct spelling is

DEFERRABILITY though strictly speaking it is not an English word that should be used in a sentence. It is one of those messy ones where you have taken a verb 'defer' added 'able' to it (doubled the 'r' to keep the 'e' short) to get
deferrable and then added 'ity' to turn it into an adjective.

 I'm blank on this: one or two 'r's?
 My "Collins Cobuild" English Language Dictionary doesn't know the word,
 but spells alle deferr... with two 'r's

    # 'implementors' => (implementers implements implementer's implement's 
impalement's implementer)

    # 'thru' => (Thur thrum Thu thou)
 isn't it "through" in English?
yes it is even in US English  it is through

    # 'piggback' => (piggyback piggybacks piggyback's piggybacked)


is slang and is correct with piggyback
    # 'scaleable' => (scale able scale-able scalable saleable salable callable)

again scale is a noun so it cannot have 'able' on the end (as that should only be user on a verb) to try and turn it into a verb. One should say 'scales' or 'scale' as in

does the web service scale
it scales correctly
is the web service able to scale up

I fixed "a subtile difference" to "a subtle difference". Unless sub-tile
has some weird meaning, that looked soooo weird.

subtile is a word but it means a 'tile' under something ;)
you are right with 'subtle'  meaning small but important

I have no idea how to change "ommiting" in:
  'You can put every SQL-statement you like in simply ommiting
   "sql => ...", but the more important thing is to restrict the
   connection so that only allowed queries are possible.'

This line has two errors:
  =item * "accept" tells the dbiproxy-server wether ip-adresse like in "mask" 
are allowed to connect or not (0/1)

=item * "accept" tells the dbiproxy-server whether ip-addressee like in "mask" 
are allowed to connect or not (0/1)

is correct

WTF does 'Pern' mean in:

  But you'll note that there is only one call to
  DBD::_::db::selectrow_arrayref but another 99 to
  DBD::mysql::db::selectrow_arrayref. Currently the first
  call Pern't record the true location. That may change.

I think this is a type and should be 'parent' perhaps perhaps more lines are missing
lib/DBD/Multiplex has different/wrong line endings :(

I have committed fixes to all the obvious errors.

hope this helps

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