On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 04:37:44AM -0400, Michiel Beijen wrote:
> > From: "Martin J. Evans" <boh...@ntlworld.com>
> >
> > Anyway, here is my offer to DBD maintainers and in particular
> > DBD::mysql maintainers.  If you want some help with rt queues in
> > particular whether that be simply some house keeping on the queue
> > itself (I'd need privilege to do that bit - cpan id MJEVANS) or bug
> > finding/fixing I'm prepared to help out where I can - just ask.

That's great.

I can give you access for that Martin by making you a co-maint,
but naturally I'm reluctant to do so without the approval of the
current maintainers.

> I'd also be willing to help out fixing up some of the issues

Thanks for the offer Mike.

> although I do not have XS-skills (such as mje) and I have limited time,

We all have different skills to offer, and limited time, that's why
working together as a team is so effective.

I'd really like to hear from any of the current maintainers.

I'd also specifically like to ask if they'd be happy to move the repo
under the umbrella of the github perl5-dbi organization
https://github.com/perl5-dbi where many people would be able
to help directly.


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