In Calypso, Pegasus, and Pronto (The latter a UN*X client) you only see the info if 
View FULL Headers is on...which even though I view full headers frequently, I have 
turned off most of the time due to the fact that Headers are usually longer than the 
message, and I don't want to have to page through the headers to get to the message.  
I think it's a crappy place to put the info. I had never seen those fields before on 
any mailing list until recently. In fact, currently this is the only list I subscribe 
to that does that, unless the others have changed within the past couple of days...

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 12/7/01 at 9:53 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>So you can... Hmm... I'm pretty "computer literate", and I had no clue.
>we don't want to keep having to answer these questions, I suggest appending
>this information to the bottom of the message.  'nough said.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Moulder, Glen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 8:35 AM
>Cc: perl-dbi-users
>Subject: RE: Unsubscribing?
>Hi Lincoln,
>You can see the mail headers by opening the message, clicking View, then
>Options.  The headers are at the bottom of the screen.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 8:27 AM
>> Subject: RE: Unsubscribing?
>> Well,
>> We use MS outlook98 and MS Exchange server here, and I can
>> find no way of showing the mail headers. Nada.  So I guess it
>> is not a "decent mailer". What a surprize.
>> Given the (regretable) almost universal business adoption of
>> MS products for office automation, it is probably a mistake
>> to assume that just because the information is in the
>> headers, that it is accessible (or even that the user is aware of it).
>> Lincoln
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kenneth Speich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 9:25 PM
>> Subject: RE: Unsubscribing?
>> I think the issue is that headers are not someone thinks
>> about when they are looking at a message, at least not your
>> average person.  They look at the message, and the basics
>> that are provided (who, date, subject).  The important things.
>> Perhaps a 2 line footer at the end of messages is the way to
>> go, perhaps not.
>> --K
>> On 12/6/2001 at 9:30 PM Brett W. McCoy wrote:
>> #On Thu, 6 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> #
>> #> If the subscriber is using with a MicroSloth environment
>> #(Outlook/Exchange), #> s/he does not see that information.
>> I was not even aware it was there #until #> you pointed it
>> out because I subscribe to the list at work, where
>> #microsloth #> is universal for office automation. # #Surely
>> Outlook has a way of letting you view message headers?  I
>> think #under the view menu it has an option for showing
>> headers.  I normally #don't have my headers showing either
>> (Pine has a similar feature letting #you view headers if you
>> need to) -- I just happened to know that any #decent mailing
>> list software puts that information in the headers.  Some
>> #mailers (like Pine) will also detect those fields and
>> display them for you #at the end of each message. #
>> #-- Brett
>> #
>> #-------------------------------------------------------------
>> -----------
>> #Your mode of life will be changed to EBCDIC.
>> --
>> Ken Speich                     Isn't having a smoking section in a
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]              restaurant like having a peeing
>>          section in a swimming pool?

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