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While i dont know a lot about the DBD::DB2 driver, I would have to say offhand 
that your call to bind_param shouldnt be referencing your variable


$sth -> bind_param(1, $var)
instead of
$sth -> bind_param(1, \$var)

and the if test where youre testing $sth[$CUSTNUMBER] against 
$sth1[$CUSTNUMBER] seems wrong.. i think youll want to test the values in 
@row and @row1

oh yeah and before you do $dbh -> disconnect, make sure you go:
$sth -> finish();
$sth1 -> finish();

On November 12, 2002 19:33 pm, Dana Lucent wrote:
> As I sit here contemplating my woes over a fresh Martini, I thought that
> I might post my problem in the hopes that those PERL guru's from on high
> would bestow a small perl (pun intended) of wisdom upon this poor
> individual.
> What is my plight you might ask?  I am attempting to read a text file
> that contains a single column of data and use those values in an SQL
> Select statement.  However, as the day wanes, so does my resolve.  So,
> if you don't mind looking at this snippet of my script, perhaps you
> would be so kind as to tell this mere mortal where my problem resides.
> (besides the Martini and attitude thank you)
> Automatically creating the file and reading the values stored within is
> not an issue.  After completing the file and opening the file to
> retrieve the values is not an issue.  Only when I attempt to "plug"
> those values into the SQL statement do I experience head and heart
> aches.
> Presented here for the first time, is the aforementioned script:
> my $source = "SFO400P1";
> my $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:DB2:$source") or die;
> # Prepare statement for execution
> while(<MPACT>) {
>       @mpactvals = parse_csv;
>         $testnum = pop(@mpactvals);
>         $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT custnumber FROM PCADDTAQUA.party
> WHERE custnumber = ?");
>         $sth->bind_param(1, \$testnum,{TYPE=>SQL_VARCHAR});
>         $dbh->err;
>         $sth->execute() or die "execute got error";
>         $dbh->err;
>         $sth1 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT custnumber FROM PCADDTAQUA.party
> WHERE custnumber = ?");
>         $sth1->bind_param(1, \$testnum, {TYPE=>SQL_VARCHAR});
>         $dbh->err;
>         $sth1->execute() or die "execute got error" .
>         $dbh->err;
>         my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array;
>         my @row1 = $sth1->fetchrow_array;
>         if
>             ($sth[$CUSTNUMBER] eq $sth1[$CUSTNUMBER])
>             print OUTPUTFILE "***SUCCESS! $testnum";
>             }
>         else
>             {
>             print OUTPUTFILE "***SUCCESS $testnum";
>             }
> }
> ####################### LEAVE THIS SECTION UNCOMMENTED ################
> $stmt = '';
> $stmt1 = "";
> $rc = $dbh->disconnect();
> foreach $key (keys %secs)
>     {
>     $stoptime = localtime(time() - $secs{$key});
>     }
> my $runtime = (($stoptime - $starttime));
> print OUTPUTFILE "$starttime\n";
> print OUTPUTFILE "$stoptime\n";
> print OUTPUTFILE "$runtime\n";
> close(MPACT);
> close( OUTPUTFILE );
> exit;
> If all code after the statement "$testnum = pop(@mpactvals);" is
> commented out (except the print statement "print OUTPUTFILE "***SUCCESS
> $testnum"", the output file contains all values to be processed.
> However, as it is at this point, I continue to receive a bind_param
> error.
> Values to be processed are in the form of 20080, 21907, etc.
> I shall make another Martini and hope that the perl gods shine their
> light upon this mere mortal.

- -- 
Michael Wojcikiewicz
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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