I am sorry that my poor attempt at humor offended you.

In your original message you said "However, as it is at this point,
I continue to receive a bind_param error" (though you didn't include
the actual error message, which can often be helpful). If bind_param
is reporting an error then I'm sure you would read the bind_param
section of the manual.  I can't see any part of the bind_param docs
that would suggest it takes a reference as the second parameter
(though I can see that there might be some confusion with
bind_param_inout, which does).

So I'd be grateful if you could help improve the DBI, and make life
easier for others who may run into the same problem, by explaining
how the answer is not in the manual. Then I can fix it.



On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 11:28:50PM -0800, Dana Lucent wrote:
> Tim Bunce,
> As I sit here reading this tripe, I cannot help but be amazed at how
> some people in this profession consider themselves to be omnipotent.
> Moreover, I have also noticed on many occasions where the end user would
> post a question or concern about some segment of their script and would
> post the entire script, they were chastised for including the entire
> script, rather than only the offending snippet.  Yet, when the end user
> includes a small snippet, and attempts to remove those instructions that
> clearly do not effect the issue at hand, they are chastised for that as
> well.
> Therefore, I would like to state that the answer, (as I have found to be
> true in most cases with DBI and DBD) are NOT included in your so called
> fine manual.(Your opinion!) 
> Moreover, as I continue to type, I can only feel my blood pressure rise
> because of your snotty attitude.  Therefore, let me climb down in the
> ditch with you and your so called expert users that chose to condemn
> rather that assist, and say fuck you asshole!
> Regarding Michael Chase and Mike Nielson, best of luck to you - it was
> refreshing to see that there are professionals such as yourselves that
> attempt to help their fellow man, rather than ridicule.
> Sincerly
> I man that would love to bitch slap you, as you so well deserve.
> On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 02:11, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > Michael has done his usual great job of answering in detail, so I'll
> > just make an observation...
> > 
> > On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 04:33:47PM -0800, Dana Lucent wrote:
> > > As I sit here contemplating my woes over a fresh Martini, I thought that
> > > I might post my problem in the hopes that those PERL guru's from on high
> > > would bestow a small perl (pun intended) of wisdom upon this poor
> > > individual.
> > > 
> > > What is my plight you might ask?
> > 
> > Thinking RTFM means Relaxing Taking Fresh Martini instead of Reading The Fine 
> > 
> > :-)
> > 
> > I'd recommend doing both...
> > 
> > Tim.

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