Mr. Lucent --

Your profane email was out of line and unprofessional.  I would
appreciate it if you would keep your childish, uneducated, and obscene
remarks out of this public forum.  Certainly you are entitled to your
opinions (as mundane as they are) but please find a more mature manner
of articulating them.  If you don't like the expert assistance that this
list provides, *please* unsubscribe.

Furthermore, if you want someone to actually sit down with you and solve
your problems, hire a consultant and go get another drink.  There's
plenty of IT folks looking for work.

Just to remind you, your email has been archived in numerous places for
all time, literally.  I hope you don't mind, and I especially hope you
can control your reactions when in the future someone in a professional
capacity attributes this drivel to you.  I trust you will be able
explain it then.

But as intelligent as you surely are, you thought of all of that, didn't


>>>>> "Dana" == Dana Lucent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Dana> Tim Bunce,
Dana> As I sit here reading ...

[... the rest discarded due to lack of anything worthwhile ...]

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