Lets's draw a line under this now please. No one needs it.


On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 09:52:34AM -0700, Bruce W. Hoylman wrote:
> Mr. Lucent --
> Your profane email was out of line and unprofessional.  I would
> appreciate it if you would keep your childish, uneducated, and obscene
> remarks out of this public forum.  Certainly you are entitled to your
> opinions (as mundane as they are) but please find a more mature manner
> of articulating them.  If you don't like the expert assistance that this
> list provides, *please* unsubscribe.
> Furthermore, if you want someone to actually sit down with you and solve
> your problems, hire a consultant and go get another drink.  There's
> plenty of IT folks looking for work.
> Just to remind you, your email has been archived in numerous places for
> all time, literally.  I hope you don't mind, and I especially hope you
> can control your reactions when in the future someone in a professional
> capacity attributes this drivel to you.  I trust you will be able
> explain it then.
> But as intelligent as you surely are, you thought of all of that, didn't
> you!
> Peace.
> >>>>> "Dana" == Dana Lucent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Dana> 
> Dana> Tim Bunce,
> Dana> As I sit here reading ...
> [... the rest discarded due to lack of anything worthwhile ...]

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