Robert Loomans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     That's what it does right now. The tests don't depend on SQLite2
> > per-se, just a DSN that points to a DBI driver that supports transactions
> > (eg; pretty much everything except MySQL ;-)
> Errr.... MySQL supports transactions just fine at least since 4.0.

        Only if you cast your tables as the appropriate type (eg; InnoDB),
and your distribution hasn't screwed you out of that by setting the
appropriate my.cnf options (eg; skip-innodb is default in debian).

> With something like this, it's more important that the code works than
> inconviencing the packager. The packager will note the dependancy as a
> *build* dependancy and move on.


> For non-packaged builds, I would be more interested in the package
> testing okay than the extra dependancy.
> If you really want, make the SQLite tests optional if some environment
> variable is set (eg, SKIP_SQLLITE_TEST).

        OK, I like the environment variable thing. That gives me the
opportunity to warn a user installing manually via CPAN that they don't have
to install SQLite2 if they don't want.

        I'm going to chew on this for awhile (and get away from the keyboard
before my 5 mo. old daughter chews off my arm :)


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