On 2009-03-31 09:55:42 -0700, Bruce Johnson wrote:
> If sqlplus DOES return data:
> What version of Oracle ODBC and Oracle client are you using, and what version 
> is oracle on the far end?
> This is similar to some aggravating results I've gotten on my (admittedly) 
> very 
> esoteric system: connecting from Oracle 11 via database link to an RDB 
> database 
> made available via an RDB OCI server.
> I have to use an ancient (1.17) version of DBD::Oracle or I get the very same 
> results, a successful query with no rows returned (and I know there are rows 
> there, if I build DBD:Oracle 1.17 against Oracle 8.1.7 libs it works...); 
> sqlplus on my Oracle 11 system does return rows.

I assume that the RDB OCI server emulates an Oracle 8i server (or
something even older).

Oracle 11 clients aren't compatible with Oracle 8i databases any more.
The last client to work with 8i databases was 10g. The 10g client also
talks to Oracle 11 servers, so that's currently the "most compatible"


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Auf jedem Computer sollte der Satz Ludwigs II
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