> There are still a few problems with the function of the current CVS.
> 1) Has anyone got the latest full CVS actually working correctly using the
> new table names?
> 2) The current CVS might be a little premature for a candidate release.
> best... Mike

I did - only after manually changing all the table names under postgres to
dbmail_whatever.  AFAIK the latest CVS will not work unless you do this,
however there is nothing in the sql-changelog that says this needs to be

Here's the changes for Postgres:

ALTER TABLE acl RENAME TO dbmail_acl;
ALTER TABLE aliases RENAME TO dbmail_aliases;
ALTER TABLE auto_notifications RENAME TO dbmail_auto_notifications;
ALTER TABLE auto_replies RENAME TO dbmail_auto_replies;
ALTER TABLE dups RENAME TO dbmail_dups;
ALTER TABLE mailboxes RENAME TO dbmail_mailboxes;
ALTER TABLE messageblks RENAME TO dbmail_messageblks;
ALTER TABLE messages RENAME TO dbmail_messages;
ALTER TABLE pbsp RENAME TO dbmail_pbsp;
ALTER TABLE physmessage RENAME TO dbmail_physmessage;
ALTER TABLE subscription RENAME TO dbmail_subscription;
ALTER TABLE users RENAME TO dbmail_users;

Something else I'd like to see before a 2.0 release, is that dbmail has
support for Postgres transactions built in, but it's not actually using
them anywhere.  I see the function calls in db.c, but they're not being

Actually using transactions would be an enormous performance benefit to
dbmail Postgres users.

"Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable
from a feature." -- Rich Kulawiec

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