OpenLink - do you have a timescale for the DBpedia Live fixes.. ?

Ideally, I would like to be able to move to DBpedia 2014 now +  the new
onotogy, and then apply changesets to this once Dbpedia LIve is back..
you think this will be supported ?  (ie changesets diffed from the 2014
dbpedia dump)


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 8:21 AM, Dimitris Kontokostas <>

> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Paul Wilton <> wrote:
>> Thanks Dimitris,
>> Do you a timescale for when the Stalling issues will be fixed,
> OpenLink can answer this one
>> and maybe a roadmap for the re-design you might be able to share ?
> Is it possible to publish regular n-triples changesets to the DBpedia 2014
>> release ?
> At the moment the Live extraction is coupled with a VOS instance for
> publishing changes immediately to the main Live endpoint so we cannot start
> publishing changesets without fixing this issue
> Part of our roadmap is the decoupling of changeset generation process with
> the triple store update (for similar cases) and adding additional services
> besides a SPARQL endpoint (i.e. S3 access)
> Best,
> Dimitris
>> thanks
>> Paul
>> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Dimitris Kontokostas <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> On Sep 12, 2014 5:31 PM, "Paul Wilton" <> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I have a couple of questions about DBpedia Live :
>>>> 1. Is it still Live. Last changesets seem to be on August 18th, and
>>>> there was a big gap before that.  Prior to this there were numerous
>>>> changesets per day ?
>>> The database got corrupted twice in a short period and OpenLink is
>>> working on a fix to track the source of the error. ATM the endpoint is up
>>> but the changesets are stalled as you noticed
>>> 2. What is the project status - is it still actively maintained - (am
>>>> considering using it on a fairly high profile project)
>>> Yes it is, if fact we plan to re-design part of the existing
>>> architecture to make more scalable
>>>> 3. What version of DBpedia ontology does DBpedia Live conform too, and
>>>> any plans for aligning with dbpedia 2014 ontology ?
>>> It keeps the latest version of the ontology according to the mappings
>>> wiki. This is also stalled atm.
>>> there is an open bug here that will be fixed as well:
>>>> many thanks for any help
>>>> Paul Wilton
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