Many thanks for the update Patrick.

If I need to setup a new dbpedia Live instance,  If I were to take the
DBpedia 2014 dump (from May),  presumably I can then apply the changesets
from the date of that dump , then process your changesets when they are
back up from August until now.

Can you point me at the timestamp of the first changeset I should use to
apply to the DBpedia 2014 dumps ?


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Patrick van Kleef <>

> All,
> > yep - but given Live is not Live anymore... you will need to baseline
> changesets from somewhere once it comes back..  it seems DBpedia2014 dumps
> would be a good place to start ?
> Actually the or the
> endpoints already serve newer data
> than the DBPedia 2014 dumps, since the latter were made from an extraction
> of Wikipedia from May, whereas the Live stream was working up to mid August.
> We are currently together with Dimitris to resolve the outstanding
> problems and we hope to resume the service early next week.
> We will reset the feeder to continue the Wikipedia stream from where it
> left of in August or slightly earlier so everyone processing the changesets
> will catch up as quickly as possible.
> As the live feeder is also patched into the Mapping Wiki, it already has
> the same ontology as the DBpedia 2014 database.
> Patrick
> ---
> OpenLink Software
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