Thanks for your input Kenny.  I'll be real eager to hear more information
when you have it.  Meanwhile, a couple reflections.

As I said, the best copy of the old mislabeled "Capitol Theater 6/24/70a"
tape that I've encountered was labeled 7/10/70 and this, coupled with other
reasons, seems to make it real likely that this tape is in fact 7/10/70, as
currently listed on DeadLists.

The fact that Kenny's tape of 7/11/70 matches the other AUD master, which
also circulates labeled "7/11/70", makes me think it likely that they are
dated correctly -- to think otherwise requires that we imagine that BOTH
masters, separately circulated, somehow wound up mislabled.  Moreover, it
would require us to think that 7/12/70 is also mislabeled.  It seems to me
that the odds are plainly against all this, and that what is most  likely is
that the show we have labeled as "7/11/70" from two independent sources is
in fact 7/11/70, and the tape that ONLY circulates labeled "7/12/70" is also
correctly dated.

There's no doubt room for contributions from the Compendium as well as from
DeadLists, and even, maybe, at this late date, from DeadBase, and it's
certain that none of them are perfect and that we can all reinforce each
others efforts.  But when someone cites the Compendium as the last word,
well, plenty of facts show otherwise.  We need to consider each case
according to our best evidence, not according to specious notions of the
supposed 'authority' of any source.

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