the best copy of 7/10/70 I've encountered was labeled 7/10/70, and it was
this tape that established the correct date of the mislabeled "6/24/70a"
tape, which we already knew from other consierations wasn't labeled
correctly.  I think that date is nailed down.

Is there a fresh digital copy around of Weinberg's master hitherto labeled
"7/12/70"?  It would be useful to be able to consult a copy.

The tape labeled "FE 7/12/70" has been around with that label for at least
20 years; DeadBase III has its list in '89.  And the other master of
"7/11/70", that matches up with Kenny's tape's list, has also been in
circulation for 20+ years labeled as such -- it was the source of DeadBase's
early lists for the date, although DeadBase's list scrambled the order of
tunes.  So without hearing a fresh copy of Weinberg's tape with the supposed
dating intact (it sure doesn't show up on my cassettes, but I've had them
for 15+ years), I'm inclined to see the balance of the evidence pointing the
other way.  But I'd be delighted to examine new evidence.

If we conclude that the list previously called "7/11/70" is in fact the
12th, then what of the 12th?  is it the 11th?  It can't be the 10th or the
9th, of which we have a few fragments (see the DeadLists entry).

Also, the list currently called 7/12 looks more like a last night of run.

Does Weinberg's master include the NRPS set?

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