


Projection of initial value, time 000



time 001


time 002



在 2017年10月10日星期二 UTC+2下午4:40:34,Mark Ma写道:
> Dear experienced deal.II users and developers, 
> I want to solve a heat equation in the time domain with distributed memory 
> using MPI, but the results are incorrect. In order to do so, I reference 
> tutorial step-23 for time updating method and step-40 for implementing MPI. 
> May I ask whether my boundary condition is right or not? Should we do 
> compress() after apply_boundary_values()? Thanks in advance!
> With best regards,
> Mark
> In PETsc or Trilinos, how could we set the boundary conditions and initial 
> conditions?
> Since old_solution_T would be read in other places (not shown here), it is 
> initialized with ghost cells; while old_solutuon_T_cal is only used for 
> written, it does not have ghost cells. see code as following,
> //
> old_solution_T_cal.reinit (locally_owned_dofs,mpi_communicator);
> old_solution_T.reinit 
> (locally_owned_dofs,locally_relevant_dofs,mpi_communicator);
> //
> ..........
>   template <int dim>
>   void ThermalDiffusion<dim>::run ()
>   {
>     setup_system();
>     assemble_system();
>     VectorTools::project (dof_handler, constraints, QGauss<dim>(degree),
>                           InitialValues_T<dim>(),
>                           old_solution_T_cal);
>     old_solution_T = old_solution_T_cal;
>     LA::MPI::Vector tmp (locally_owned_dofs,mpi_communicator);
>     LA::MPI::Vector forcing_terms (locally_owned_dofs,mpi_communicator);
>     for (timestep_number=1, time=time_step;
>          time<= global_simulation_end_time;
>          time+=time_step, ++timestep_number)
>       {
>         pcout << "Time step " << timestep_number
>                   << " at t=" << time
>                   << std::endl;
> //-----------------------------------
> //run to solve T
> //-----------------------------------
>   //
>   //time dependent
>         //assign right hand side
>         mass_matrix_T.vmult (system_rhs, old_solution_T_cal);
>         laplace_matrix_T.vmult (tmp, old_solution_T_cal);
>         system_rhs.add (-time_step * (1-theta), tmp);
>         assemble_rhs_T (time);
>         forcing_terms = dynamic_rhs_T;
>         forcing_terms *= time_step * theta;
>         assemble_rhs_T (time - time_step); 
>         tmp = dynamic_rhs_T;
>         forcing_terms.add (time_step*(1-theta),tmp);
>         system_rhs.add (1,forcing_terms);
>         //assign system matrix
>         system_matrix.copy_from (mass_matrix_T);
>         system_matrix.add (time_step * theta, laplace_matrix_T);
> *     {          BoundaryValues_Temperature<dim> 
> boundary_values_function_T;          //boundary_values_function.set_time 
> (time);          std::map<types::global_dof_index,double> 
> boundary_values_T;          VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values 
> (dof_handler,                                                    
> BOUNDARY_NUM,                                                    
> boundary_values_function_T,                                                   
> boundary_values_T);          MatrixTools::apply_boundary_values 
> (boundary_values_T,                                              
> system_matrix,                                              
> solution_T,                                              
> system_rhs,                                              false);        }*
>         solve_T ();
>         if (Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(mpi_communicator) <= 32)
>         {
>             TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer,"output");
>             output_results ();
>         }
>         computing_timer.print_summary ();
>         computing_timer.reset();
>         pcout << std::endl;
>         old_solution_T = solution_T;
>       }
>   }
> }
> //definition of solve_T() 
>   template <int dim>
>   void ThermalDiffusion<dim>::solve_T ()
>   {
>     TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer,"solve_T");
>     LA::MPI::Vector completely_distributed_solution 
> (locally_owned_dofs,mpi_communicator);
>     SolverControl   solver_control (dof_handler.n_dofs(),1e-12);
> #ifdef USE_PETSC_LA
>     LA::SolverCG solver(solver_control,mpi_communicator);
> #else
>     LA::SolverCG solver(solver_control);
> #endif
>     LA::MPI::PreconditionAMG preconditioner;
>     LA::MPI::PreconditionAMG::AdditionalData    data;
> #ifdef USE_PETSC_LA
>     data.symmetric_operator = true;
> #else
>     /* Trilinos defaults are good */
> #endif
>     preconditioner.initialize(system_matrix,data);
>     solver.solve 
> (system_matrix,completely_distributed_solution,system_rhs,preconditioner);
>     pcout << "  Solved in " << solver_control.last_step()
>           << "  iterations."<< std::endl;    
>     constraints.distribute (solution_T);
>     solution_T = completely_distributed_solution;
>     pcout << "success...solve_T()..." <<std::endl;
>   }

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