On 11.04.12 David Prévot (da...@tilapin.org) wrote:


> We have a similar “Improper discretionary list” issue with the French
> Developers Reference, #666578 (once added tipa), and I'm a bit clueless
> here, hopefully TeX maintainers may have a hint about this one.
No solution, just a comment.

> > stdin.tex:141: Improper discretionary list.
> > stdin.tex:141: leading text: }

The intermediate TeX file generated by dblatex loads the package
xeCJK (\usepackage{xeCJK}). When commenting this usepackage line the
tex file can be processed fine. Not sure if the content is the
expected one.

The hatred of relatives is the most violent.
                -- Tacitus (c.55 - c.117)

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