On my laptop, I compiled roxterm from the source, using the git tag 3.3.1.
I wanted to bisect the bug, but shortcuts worked flawlessly with this
self-compiled roxterm. I followed the default process, didn't set any
configuration option, and simply run `./build/roxterm --separate`.

If I copy this new roxterm binary to my desktop computer (both are
Testing Debian amd64) in /usr/bin/, shortcuts are also fixed.

The keypad decimal bug is not affected by this, so it should go in
another bug report.

Le 2016-01-04, Tony Houghton <h...@realh.co.uk> a écrit :
> tags 809719 - moreinfo
> thanks
> It looks like there's a problem in roxterm's locale handling, maybe 
> specifically fr_FR.utf8. The reporter of #804144, which looks related, 
> has the same locale.

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