Le 2016-01-06, Tony Houghton <h...@realh.co.uk> a écrit :
> So for the moment you would prefer the config to be in English, I
> think. Even that will be a bit difficult to fix and test, but ideally
> there should be some sort of system to allow users to edit the
> shortcuts in their own language and store the results in English.
> Solving this might have to wait until if and when I do a major rewrite
> <https://sourceforge.net/p/roxterm/discussion/422638/thread/57dab858/> 

I've had a look at the code yesterday, to see if I could submit an easy
patch, but I was cast away by the mix of GTK's map_accelerators and
gettext. I could not even plan a pretty way out.

> but at the moment I'm leaning towards discontinuing roxterm and
> trying to get more involved with gnome-terminal and vte development
> if the current team are willing to let me add some features from
> roxterm. If not, I suppose I could fork it.

I'd read about this in roxterm's forum before reporting the bug. That's
sad because I think roxterm is good, better than xfce4-terminal that I
was using a few years ago. Yet I understand the move. I may try again
gnome-terminal on the next roxterm bug ;-)


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