On 05/01/16 15:23, François Gannaz wrote:
> Le 2016-01-05, Tony Houghton <h...@realh.co.uk> a écrit :
>> Can you try building replacement debian packages to test? You should
>> just be able to run debuild -b in the git/source directory.
> I had to install itstool and po4a. The resulting package had no
> keyboard shortcuts.


> The new roxterm executable was the same size as the official one,
> though the MD5 sum was different. The locally-compiled (outside
> debuild) file was 43% larger.

The difference in size is probably because the debian build strips out 
the debugging symbols and puts them in a separate package (roxterm-dbg).

I think the most likely reason for the self-build working and the
debian build not is because the latter sets PREFIX to /usr. Without
being set eg by debian/rules it defaults to /usr/local, so I would have
expected your self-build to fail to find some files. Does it appear all
in English instead of partially French (the French translation is only
71% complete)?

There's also a script called AppRun in the source tree. It's designed
to run roxterm directly from its build directory and point it to its 
default resource files supplied with the source. It would be
interesting to know whether that works.

I've just had an idea. The shortcuts might not be matching, because the 
menu strings have been translated to French so they don't match the 
strings in the Shortcuts/Default file. Do they work if you edit your 
Shortcuts file to translate the strings to French so they match the 
translated menus?

>>> The keypad decimal bug is not affected by this, so it should go in
>>> another bug report.
>> Could you test that in gnome-terminal instead of xfce4-terminal?  I
>> think xfce4 is still based on GTK+2.0 with a much older version of
>> vte. Also try other text fields from gnome-terminal, roxterm and/or
>> other GTK+3.0-based programs.
> To sum it up:
> xev:            .
> xfce4-terminal: . (GTK+2, libvte 0.28)
> gnome-terminal: ,
> roxterm 3.3.1:  , (libvte 0.42)
> Unless you suggest something else, I suppose I shall open a new ticket
> in libgtk-3-0.

Check some other text entry widgets too to test whether it's all of
GTK3 or just VTE.

PS Make sure you don't install gettext 0.19.7-1 because bug #809846 
prevents roxterm from being built with translations.

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