
On Wed, May 04, 2016 at 10:25:05PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Almost everything in the world does it how is it now, why should we 
> > change it?
> Is the content of the package truly traditional chinese locale data, not 
> taiwanese-flavored chinese locale data?

it's not locale data at all. It's UI locaalization. Nothing else.

> For these packages, the same suffix is described as "Taiwan":
> firefox-l10n-zh-tw firefox-esr-l10n-zh-tw iceowl-l10n-zh-tw 
> icedove-l10n-zh-tw iceweasel-l10n-zh-tw

I know, but that changed, I am sure it had it as simplified and traditional
long ago...

And there is still counter-examples:

kde-l10n-zhcn - Chinese Simplified (zh_CN) localization files for KDE
kde-l10n-zhtw - Chinese Traditional (zh_TW) localization files for KDE

> What is the logic of using suffix "tw" to denote "traditional"?

The logic is "everyone did it in the past as this", basically.
Yeah, I got that (almost) everything except KDE changed it..



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