On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, Vincent Bernat wrote:
>  ❦ 24 octobre 2016 12:48 -0500, Don Armstrong <d...@debian.org> :
> > [Also, I'd like to note that currently Punit has not participated in
> > the CTTE bug, and the last comment on #574947 was in 2014, so I'm not
> > convinced that we have an alternative maintainer even if we were to
> > decide to change ownership of this package.]
> There is also #816924. As for #574947, Ron stopped any participation.
> I don't see what should be expected from other participants. Two of them
> proposed an updated packaging, one of them proposed to help as a
> co-maintainer, none of them got any attention.

Ah, excellent; I missed #816924. I withdraw this criticism.

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

I'm sorry about those late night emails.
I only said those things because I was too drunk
to be afraid.
  -- a softer world #579

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