❦ 25 octobre 2016 07:33 +0200, Tollef Fog Heen <tfh...@err.no> :

>>  * Specifically, failed to give clear and constructive directions to
>>    those willing to do the work;
> I disagree with those characterisations. He's asked for clarifications
> on what is broken without anything resembling an adequate reply.

Sorry? When did that happen? Do you refer to (IMO, the single occurrence
where some clarifications were asked):


I replied:


I now understand that the answer was not enough, but this is new
information. As of 2014, there was no answer to this message. The whole
bug report is about people trying to understand and give information and
the maintainer not giving a damn. People saying that gtags don't work at
all for them didn't get any reply:


If you refer to what Ron is asking in #841294, this is far too late. I
won't help to debug a 8+ years version of a software while the newest
version works just fine for me. Would you? It is not like this version
is somewhat maintained (as if it was a fork). The latest upload was in
Make your program read from top to bottom.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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