]] Ian Jackson 

> So in summary, the maintainer has:
>  * Not packaged the new upstream version due to concerns about a
>    feature which is not present in the current Debian version and
>    which could therefore be removed from a new-upstream-version upload
>    without causing a regression in Debian;

htags is in the version in Debian.

>  * Failed to engage positively with all of the many people who have
>    enquired about the question;
>  * Specifically, failed to give clear and constructive directions to
>    those willing to do the work;

I disagree with those characterisations. He's asked for clarifications
on what is broken without anything resembling an adequate reply.

I'm not going to comment further on your personal attacks against the
maintainer. I think you're behaving below yourself and that you should

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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