On Mon, 2017 Mar 27 11:01+0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> The metapackage is supposed to install (mostly) everything.
> This includes the Java stuff.
> Think of people wanting to install extensions (which happen to be
> written in Java more often than I'd like it but it's a fact...).
> That installation would fail with a non clear message if the Java
> support is not there. -> Bad.
> We had that "fun" in the past...

So, there are Java-based LibreOffice extension packages that do not
properly declare their Java dependencies?

> > Also, shouldn't "libreoffice" Recommends: lo-report-builder rather
> > than Depends: lo-report-builder-bin? (lo-r-b-bin is a support
> > package that is not usable by itself and so doesn't belong in the
> > metapackage; lo-r-b is the useful package, but it requires Java and
> > so should only be recommended.)
> It's totally irrelevant whether it's installed or not for your case
> and I already said why this one is in the metapackage.

You said,

    It [lo-report-builder-bin] is installed because in a standard
    upstream install it's in "core" packages afaicr (with -report-
    builder being in a extra "package" there, too)

I checked the upstream RPM packages for LibreOffice 5.2. These library
files from lo-report-builder-bin ...


...are in libobasis5.2-extension-report-builder-,
not in libobasis5.2-core- The situation is the
same in 5.3.

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