On 12/10/23 12:08, Bas Wijnen wrote:
On Sun, Dec 03, 2023 at 02:18:38AM -0600, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
[Catch 2]
While it is definitely possible to port the
openMSX tests to use catch2 v3, we will be departing from what
upstream supports, and that seems like it could lead to way more work
than necessary (for instance, what if the next major release of
openMSX still uses catch2 v2 and uses it in a way that's incompatible
with catch2 v3? Then we have to maintain that delta from upstream
ourselves, possibly for an extended period of time).
You are misunderstanding me. First of all, I was expecting the changes to be
minor. So I was thinking we can write a patch and let upstream use it. They are
very responsive, so I would expect them to include our patch immediately.

However, if it is a lot of work, it might be better to just file a bug report
upstream. I would expect them to respond to that as well, by doing it
themselves. Although it might take some time.

So because we are in a bit of a hurry with openMSX dropping from testing, I
think the approach for now is to use the bundled catch2-v2, and either port it
for them, or let them know it needs to be ported.

One possible solution might be for Debian to ship multiple major
versions of catch2.
I don't know enough about catch2 to know if that is a good idea. It might be,
but it's certainly out of the scope of this problem.

Maybe this is something we can bring up to whoever maintains catch2 in
Yes, that sounds like a good idea. They will probably have an intelligent
opinion about it.

I'm not so sure it's a Lintian bug since HTML files oftentimes *are*
compiled from other source code.
They are, but Lintian is now very forceful in saying that files like these are
definitely compiled, which is just false. So if there is no better way to
detect this, at the very least the certainty of the problem should be decreased
(from error to warning, for example). It is quite common for hand-written text
files (including html files) to contain long lines and it is not reasonable for
all those files to either be required to be line-wrapped, nor for all those
packages to contain overrides.

I think that due to the urgency, I'll make a new package based on your work and
upload it. We can figure out how to handle the remaining issues after that.

Sounds good, and I'll see about a catch2 v3 port. (Part of the reason I was against that idea was because I actually tried to do it and it failed miserably. I didn't understand enough about how exactly the openMSX build system worked to do it "right" and the quick-and-dirty way of doing it was discouraged in the catch2 documentation.) I'll probably have to learn Perl before I can look into Lintian, but I've wanted to learn it before anyway, so may as well do so now.

Thanks you for all your help with this!

Thanks again,

Aaron Rainbolt
Lubuntu Developer
Matrix: @arraybolt3:matrix.org
IRC: arraybolt3 on irc.libera.chat
GitHub: https://github.com/ArrayBolt3

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