Stanislav Maslovski schrieb:
> Hello,
> I am writing you off-list because it seems that your reactions
> are motivated not by thinking, but emotions. It seems that the

Thanks for implying that I was *not* thinking when I wrote this.
(Don't take this remark too seriously)

> My aim was not to piss you off, and not to show that you were
> not competent with the task you do for debian. That was done to show
> the importance of the policy and the importance of making things the
> debian way.
> Moreover, I think that in the case of powersaved you could easily
> correct this issue. I do not really understand why you are so against
> to moving the scripts under /etc. Any rational arguments?

Put it the other way:
Why should the user have the need to edit/configure a script that is
shipped by powersaved like wm_logout, beep_hi, beep_lo (this is true for
all scripts that are shipped in /usr/lib/powersave/scripts).

I don't see any, besides that this
a) offers a way for a user to screw up his installation
b) increases the size of /etc
c) makes it much harder for upgrades. conffiles are treated differently
and not automatically removed e.g.

Can you provide a profound reason, why you have to edit one of those
files that are shipped by powersaved?

As I wrote, there is some merit to your proposal when it comes to adding
own additional scripts, which then could be placed under /etc, much like
pm-utils does. But this is, as I wrote a feature request (powersaved
providing a facility to execute custom scripts from /etc/).

Question is, if custom scripts are a real necessity. Nowadays powersaved
uses hal/pm-utils for the actual suspend/hibernate, so you should
actually use pm-utils if you want to run custom scripts on

Could you elaborate, why and in what way you need to extend powersaved
with custom configuration?


P.S: Please keep the bug in CC. I think there is no reason to make this
discussion private.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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