On 01.09.11 Francesco Poli (invernom...@paranoici.org) wrote:
> On Thu, 01 Sep 2011 10:35:04 +0200 Hilmar Preusse wrote:


> > dep: libhttpclient-ruby1.8 (>=
> >     Transitional package for ruby-httpclient
> >     also a virtual package provided by ruby-httpclient
> Should I keep the version constraint in the dependency, as in:
>   Depends: [...] ruby-httpclient (>=
> in order to give useful hints to people who could wish to backport
> future versions of apt-listbugs to squeeze (or earlier Debian versions)?
> Or should I just depend on an unversioned ruby-httpclient?
I'm sorry, I can't really help here. I suggest to contact the authors
of the packages.

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