On Sun, 4 Sep 2011 12:17:04 +0200 Hilmar Preusse wrote:

> On 04.09.11 Lucas Nussbaum (lu...@lucas-nussbaum.net) wrote:
> > If you want to facilitate backports, maybe use something like:
> > ruby-cmdparse2 (>= X) | libcmdparse2-ruby (>= X)
> > 
> I don't think that backporting apt-listbugs to Debian stable is
> necessary as the # of RC bugs in stable doesn't vary. ;-)

Actually the number of RC bugs in Debian stable _does_ vary with time:
see the blue line in http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/

However, I agree that apt-listbugs does not seem to be too useful for
Debian stable users.
It is designed with Debian unstable (or testing) users in mind and it
is indeed especially recommended for them.

Nonetheless, believe it or not, I am aware of (at least) some users that
run apt-listbugs on Debian stable boxes. One of them could try to
backport a recent apt-listbugs to Debian stable, for his/her own needs
(or even to upload it as official backport...).

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