Hi Francesco,

On Sun, Sep 04, 2011 at 11:53:59PM +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > 
> > I've uploaded a new version of dpkg-ruby, so libdpkg-ruby1.8 can
> > be replaced by dpkg-ruby (>= 3.7.7).
> Hi Ryan!
> Shouldn't it be ruby-dpkg, rather than dpkg-ruby, according to the new
> Ruby Debian package naming scheme?

Yeah, I debated a bit about this.

There was already the package dpkg-ruby, containing the scripts
dpkg-ruby and dpkg-checkdeps. I assume that these are used by some
people because popcon says there are 141 installs (and this is all
that was in that package before).

I considered the options of having a "dpkg-ruby" package, a
"ruby-dpkg" package, or both. It seemed confusing to move the tool
named "dpkg-ruby" to a package named "ruby-dpkg", and it also seemed
confusing to have both a "dpkg-ruby" and "ruby-dpkg" package, so I
left it as "dpkg-ruby".

Anyways, I'm open to changing this decision if people agree that I made
the wrong one. I expected that I could have.



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