Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 [t1lib migration]
> I suggest the following:

> 1. Rename existing t1lib (1.3.1) source package to t1lib-old or
>   something like that.  Alter it to provide *only* the t1lib1 and
>   t1lib-dev binary packages.  Update t1lib-dev's package description to
>   indicate that this version of the library is strongly deprecated and
>   that developers should port their software to t1lib 5.0.0 instead.
>   Direct them to the libt1-dev package, and a URL to a migration guide
>   if one is available.  You might also want to use a NEWS.Debian entry
>   for this purpose.  I would also add a note to t1lib1's package
>   description indicating that the package is only depended upon by
>   packages which haven't been updated to use the newer version of the
>   library yet.

> 2. Package t1lib 5.0.0 as source package t1lib, providing libt1-5,
>   libt1-dev, libt1-doc, and libt1-bin (or t1lib-bin -- Policy doesn't
>   suggest that you name this last item one way or the other).

> 3. Lean on the maintainers of t1lib-dependent packages to port their
>   stuff to t1lib 5.0.0.  Given that it's release season, you'll
>   probably meet with even more resistance than usual.  It might be more
>   fruitful to work with package's upstreams.  You'll also need to
>   identify any package relationships against t1lib-dev and t1lib-doc
>   (and t1lib-bin, if you rename it to libt1-bin as I suggest), and file
>   bugs against those packages requesting updates.

> 4. After sarge is released (or before, if by some miracle step 3 is
>   completed before it is too deeply frozen), file a bug against
> requesting the removal of the t1lib-old source package
>   (or whatever you called it).

> That's one way to go about this that should not require any
> pseudopackages.  Needless to say, steps 1 and 2 should happen in rapid
> succession, or simultaneously.

Another nice thing about this is that even if you only complete #2
before sarge's release it is a huge gain, backports will be a lot
              cu andreas
Hey, da ist ein Ballonautomat auf der Toilette!
Unofficial _Debian-packages_ of latest unstable _tin_

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