> And before you think about writing another message,
> think about the reason for having the debian-private ML.

The reason why debian-private exists is so people can
talk about sensitive issues without posting them on
the web, especially things involving personal or private
things between people. It's not so we can hide technical
discussions about non-security issues away from everyone.

> > This is
> > how we fix problems in Debian: hide them, then propose General
> > Resolutions.

> And your point is..? 

I agree with him; not speaking for him, but...

That that's wrong. That GRs have been proposed way too much recently.
That we should discuss things long before we propose a GR, so that
even if it's formally necessary to have a GR, it's largely a moot
issue. That GR's are a last step, not a first one.

> It is our right to hide things.

Just because it's your "right" to hide things, doesn't mean that
you must or should.

> We do not hide problems, we hide
> possible solutions.

And that's _so_ much better.

David Starner -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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