Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Or do you really believe that mega-threads help much? Do you really
> think that Canonical/Ubuntu is more successfull because they discuss
> more and let everyone publish its 0.02$ that everybody needs to read? Do
> you really think that the explosion of redudant messages in mega-threads
> is productive?

Canonical work because they consist of a small set of people that work
together and who don't let egos get in the way. They work because they
have a strong leader who provides firm direction. They work because they
don't have the flaws Debian has - lack of communication, excessive
self-importance and no strong feeling of what the fuck we're actually
supposed to be doing. I don't see your solution or your method solving
any of these issues. Building consensus helps with all of them. Consider
investing your efforts in that, rather than refusing to discuss your

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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