>> Radu Duta writes:

RD> On Fri, Dec 19, 1997 at 09:29:17AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> 1)  Once all packages are selected, be able to dump the selections to
>> a file that could be later read in for subsequent identical
>> installations. 

RD> There is a twist to this.  Allong with all the installed packages will
RD> come all the configuration files that you may have modified.  For
RD> example sendmail,X11,ntp,etc configurations, default editor, and others.

RD> That's a problem I'm going to try to solve, since I'm in the same 
RD> predicament myself, having to save configurations for machines.  The
RD> first step is getting the MD5 sums in the deb files though, and I'm
RD> still working on that one.

What about this from another respondent:

> dpkg --get-selections
> dpkg --set-selections

Does this have the predicament with config files?  

>> 2)  Once all packages are selected, don't skip packages that are
>> deselected, just ignore them.  Dselect for ftp install works this
>> way, why can't the disk based dselect as well?  It looks like much
>> time is spent "skipping" packages that do not need to be
>> installed. 

RD> I HATE that.  I gave up on CD installs.  I found a ftp server that was
RD> close to me and now I'm just using that instead since the "skippy" problem
RD> doesn't exist with the ftp option.   I probably should have brought up
RD> the issue a while ago.

Also, the same respondent gave this clever way around that:

> Unfortunatly, that is because of the way dselect runs dpkg (dpkg -iGROBE),
> which then goes through the directorys and checks every package.  I've
> solved the problem by mounting my CD info ftpable space and using
> dpkg-ftp.  The package dpkg-mountable will also provide a method that
> doesn't do this.

Thanks for the reply,

Dion Hollenbeck (619)597-7080x164                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Software Engineer - Vigra Div. of Visicom Labs  San Diego, California

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