
        I feel somewhat uneasy about making somehings as central as
 dpkg "less foolproof", no matter how pathological the lessening of
 foolproofness maybe. Experience has taught ne that there are more
 fools than one imagines.

        I would not object to having the control files skipped by an
 explicit option, though, for the speedup (we can't do it by default,
 since the dos directory contains filenames that are truncated; and
 all the filenames *still* may match the pattern name_version*.deb).

        Also, it has been promised in the past that one may rename the
 package file to anything one wants and dpkg shall stil do the right
 thing. I like that, and I don't think we should drop that just for
 speed (optomize for the most common case: I run a 133Mhz machine
 [which seems to be fast becoming slower than the norm], and
 full a hamm mirror, in my opinion the time taken is not so much as to
 justify the reduction in functionality)

 "I can do a score of things that can't be done.  I can find a thing I
 cannot see, and see a thing I cannot find.  The first is time, and
 the second is spots before my eyes.  I can touch a thing I cannot
 feel, and feel a thing I cannot touch.  The first is your heart, and
 the second is sad and sorry." James Thurber, "The Thirteen Clocks"
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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