On Fri, Dec 19, 1997 at 01:49:59PM -0500, Scott Ellis wrote:
> Unfortunatly, that is because of the way dselect runs dpkg (dpkg -iGROBE),
> which then goes through the directorys and checks every package.

I did a quick hack on dpkg last week to speed up -iGROEB. Basically, the
patch does the following:
When dpkg runs `find -name "*.deb"', it checks whether every file found
looks like 'name_version*.deb'. If all files match that pattern, my patched
dpkg assumes that all the filenames are valid and contain the real
package-name. It then skips those packages that aren't marked for
installation without even reading their control-file (this causes a major
speedup because on an average system, only a minority of all available
packages are installed). 

Orignially, I also wanted to read the package's version from the filename,
but that doesn't work because the epoch is missing.

My patch is definitely not as foolproof as the current method, but I think
it's good enough. You can have a look my completely unofficial and
experimental version at http://meteosat.e-technik.uni-ulm.de/~mbuck/dpkg/ .
There's a .deb-package for libc5, the diff for dpkg and a
dpkg-binary for libc6 (not .deb-package, sorry).

I'd like to know what people think about it before trying to get the patch
into the standard dpkg.

/* Martin Buck                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] */
/* Student of electrical engineering   WWW: http://www.uni-ulm.de/~s_mbuck1/ */
/* University of Ulm, Germany  Snail-Mail: Paukengasse 2, 89077 Ulm, Germany */
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