On Sat, Dec 20, 1997 at 12:15:29AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Radu Duta writes:
>RD> On Fri, Dec 19, 1997 at 09:29:17AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> dpkg --get-selections
>> dpkg --set-selections

I noticed; well it's a start, that's for sure.  There is a lot of info
missing from that.  As Jeff Sheinberg pointed out it's a bit broken with
some things.  I noticed that version numbers are missing, and the all
too elusive config files are not dealt with.

(Jeff Sheinberg pointed out a problem with deleted standard packages like elm
 I won't include the message since it's kinda lengthy, it's on the list thought,
 and I can forward it if you want it)

>Does this have the predicament with config files?  

so I guess the answer is yes.  

>Also, the same respondent gave this clever way around that:
>> Unfortunatly, that is because of the way dselect runs dpkg (dpkg -iGROBE),
>> which then goes through the directorys and checks every package.  I've
>> solved the problem by mounting my CD info ftpable space and using
>> dpkg-ftp.  The package dpkg-mountable will also provide a method that
>> doesn't do this.

Yea I noticed.  I may have to give it a try.  The ftp method works really 
well also, but you need to have a nice connection.  Modem users for example
would be advied to use something else.  If you are on fast connection I
think the ftp method is one of the easiest to use, especially wen you 
consider that the packages are updated more often then the CDs, so you'll
have to use the ftp method regardless to get the most current pacakges
(this applies for both hamm and bo).

I guess you could configure dselect to look first on the CD and then if it's
not there or there is a newer version on the ftp server then go there and
get it.  AFAIK that is not supported today.


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