Norbert Preining dixit:

>Currently everyone is upgrading libkpathsea6 to in incompatible
>version, because texlive-lang is in NEW and the partial upgrade
>breaks the whole TeX system.

I *really* hope you’re joking here.

That to prevent is what package relationships are for!

You might want to develop a better relationship (not package)
with the packages you depend on; I’ve fixed lots of bugs in
klibc and became comaintainer of dietlibc because I use them
in mksh, to the benefit of all; your attitude wrt. dependencies,
embedded code copies, etc. looks positively harmful to me,
and the world does not rotate around Teχ, so sid users can
live a day or two without a working one until this gets
resolved *correctly*, with*out* introducing further security
issues and RC bugs.

Besides, Ondřej already said he’ll revert gd to tiff3.
Problem solved.

<hecker> cool ein Ada Lovelace Google-Doodle. aber zum 197. Geburtstag? Hätten
die nicht noch 3 Jahre warten können? <mirabilos> bis dahin gibts google nicht
mehr <hecker> ja, könnte man meinen. wahrscheinlich ist der angekündigte welt-
untergang aus dem maya-kalender die globale abschaltung von google ☺ und darum
müssen die die doodles vorher noch raushauen

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