>>>>> "Scott" == Scott Kitterman <deb...@kitterman.com> writes:

    Scott> I don't think your alleged works poorly for using your own
    Scott> namespace are real problems.

I would be a lot happier if your message was phrased in terms of
discussing which trade off you prefer.
It's clear from past discussion that people are concerned about these
I hear you as saying that you value other things more .

    Scott> Since git has no single central
    Scott> repository moving is as simple as a clone and then push it to
    Scott> the new location.  If there are multiple instances of a
    Scott> package on salsa (which can happen for any number of reasons)
    Scott> the "official" one is the one the Vcs-* point to.

I do believe this viewpoint has been considered in the discussion.
I don't have the counter-arguments at hand that have been made.  So here
I'm responding with my own opinion rather than trying to make a call
based on past discussions.

* There's a lot in Gitlab beyond just the repo.  Cloning a repo doesn't
  clone merge requests, issues, wiki, pipelines, or artifacts among

* It doesn't clone access control information

* There is a significant coordination/transition cost in changing names
  even when no information is lost.

* There's value in stability of names.  As an example does everyone look
  at vcs-* out of unstable rather than say testing or stable?

I suspect you have considered most if not all of the above.  I do hear
you as saying you value other things (which I think you have not yet
specified) more.

However, when you say that a concern is not valid, it's easy to read
that as saying that it is unreasonable to value fixing that concern.  I
disagree strongly: I think a technical concern with trade offs on both
sides has been articulated.


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