On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 4:09 PM Bernd Zeimetz <be...@bzed.de> wrote:

> > There are a number of ways forward:
> >
> >[...]
> > 5) Make no recommendations in this space
> Why do all things need a recommendation? List the possible places to
> host a repository with their advantages/disadvantages. If somebody is
> not able to decide where to put a package based on that, they might not
> be able to maintain it anyway.

Having sensible recommendations reduces the barrier to entry. Even if you
provide a list with all the pros/cons there is still a decision to be made.
Every decision that needs to be made is a barrier. Reading and
understanding, research and applying context, contemplating and making

I'm not suggesting that maintainers don't (eventually) understand all of
the relevant details and particulars. Sometimes not forcing them to drink
from the fire hose right away could be considered polite.


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