On 9/10/19 3:26 AM, Sam Hartman wrote:
> I tried to cover the disadvantages of this in the original mail:
> * Works poorly when maintainership changes

Why? Its git. Press the fork button, select a destination, update
debian/control, be happy.

> * Works poorly when account status changes

Why? Do we delete repositories?

> There are a number of ways forward:
> 5) Make no recommendations in this space

Why do all things need a recommendation? List the possible places to
host a repository with their advantages/disadvantages. If somebody is
not able to decide where to put a package based on that, they might not
be able to maintain it anyway.

 Bernd Zeimetz                            Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 http://bzed.de                                http://www.debian.org
 GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485  DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F

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