On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 08:13:15AM -0300, David Bremner wrote:

> I'm also not sure if this is a completely rational reaction, but I'm not
> currently very comfortable with any DD being able to make global changes
> to thousands of git repos. I think we haven't yet developed any kind of
> social conventions or rules about when that is appropriate, and we don't
> have much project experience with it. That's possibly a seperate
> discussion, but if mass changes are the justification for some other
> policy/norm/standard/reccomendation, then maybe it should be discussed
> first.

To me, given that the recommendation is optional, and doesn't apply to
teams, it doesn't seem that much different than turning the low
threshold NMU[1] idea into a practical workflow instead of a wiki page
that one tends to forget looking it up before doing a NMU.

So I personally read the proposal as:

 - besides the option of adding my name to [1], I can also choose to put
   a package in the debian group in salsa, where it fits in a well known
 - if a maintainer has no better ideas, we propose this as the default
   workflow for non-team-maintained packages

Team packages will be maintained in whatever way a team chooses to.
Packages over which one wants more control will be maintained in a
personal repo or wherever one wants, and it's all ok.

For the rest, I think this is a definite improvement over the status
quo, which I understand more or less as "do something at random and
please don't suddenly disappear".


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu
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